
Nuclear throne together unlock issue
Nuclear throne together unlock issue

Once you die you can then equip the Golden Frog Pistol as your starter. Pick it up and progress to the next level. A Golden Frog Pistol should have spawned. Go back as whoever and open up the Proto Chest. You must then insert said Rusty Frog Pistol into a Proto Chest in one of the Crown Vaults. This can be achieved by hitting her at least once with any golden weapon. To play as the Frog you have to get Mom to drop a Rusty Frog Pistol. Golden Ballguy/Frog - This is going to be a long one. You may want to grab the Blood Hammer if you see it, the process becomes a lot easier. Prepare to shoot like ♥♥♥♥, walk slow and get ♥♥♥♥♥♥. To play him, you must reach the labs as Melting, and find a Necromancer, you must then die in his Res Circle. Skeleton - Skeleton is a bit of a toughie. These unlocks don't really fit into the rest of the guide, so I've given them their own section. Be cautious when fighting him and you should have no problem getting to 6-1 and unlocking Steriods. That siper rifle is dangerous.Įven with these tips Lil' Hunter can still crush you. Shoot him with a Crossbow if you want to track him down! (Or you can look for the shadow)Ĥ.) Try to bait him into landing away from your cover, so that he doesn't destroy it.ĥ.) Rush LH while he spawns IDPD, he can't attack you when he does it.Ħ.) Stay out of open areas. Bolt Marrow is highly reccomended if you have any of these weapons.ģ.) The bolts that stick into Lil' Hunter will give away where he's landing. YV is GREAT for speedkills if you want him dead fast.Ģ.) The Heavy and Auto Crossbows work wonders on Lil' Hunter, with the addition of the Seeker Shotgun. Steriods - Lil' Hunter is your first big endurance test in the game, and is an ass to fight when you're new, here's a bit of advice.ġ.) High damage weapons work great against Lil' Hunter, examples being the Assault Slugger or the Super Crossbow. If you take that advice or just take it slow in the Crystal Caves, I garuntee you can get to 5-1 and unlock Robot. If you rush into a crowd of five spiders with a piece of looseleaf paper as your weapon, you will die. Their range, and generally high damage makes them really good for the spiders.Ģ.) The Bouncer guns also work great here because of their firerate.ģ.) Don't get cocky. Robot - Having played the game for almost three years, I'd like to think I know something about the Crystal Caves.ġ.) Any bolt weapon is awesome in Caves. This should be a breeze for you speedrunners out there. Plant B-Skin - Reach the Nuclear Throne in under 10 minutes. Plant - If you manage to get through the Sewers alright, you'll be transported to 3-1, the Scrapyard.

nuclear throne together unlock issue

Look for a manhole, then shoot at it with some sort of explosive weapon So even if you die on, say 5-1, you would still unlock Robot.Įyes B-Skin - Reach the Pizza Sewers. As a side note, you don't have to beat the level to unlock the character. All of them are put in the order they are unlocked. You're probably gonna need to practice some before unlocking them (not with Eyes though, I hope).

nuclear throne together unlock issue

Eyes, Plant, Robot, and Steroids vary in unlock toughness.

Nuclear throne together unlock issue